Repair and Maintenance
Finnradiator offers to our customers a versatile selection of different services related to the maintenance and repair of radiators with decades of experience.
Finnradiator offers an expert and versatile repair service for its own and other manufacturers’ radiators. Our repair service serves both private and business customers. We do e.g. cell replacements, repair of aluminum coolers, repair of brass coolers, welding work and parts manufacturing.
Feel free to contact us whether the fault is small or large. Our repair service is available at the number +358 20 787 0105 or by e-mail korjaus(at)finnradiator.com. You can read more about the services related to repair and maintenance below.

Radiator Repair
For coolers arriving for repair or maintenance, we do, depending on the need, e.g. cell replacements, repair of aluminum coolers, repair of brass coolers, welding work and parts manufacturing.

Condition assessment of the radiator
The condition assessment tells you openly about the current state of the coolers, their life cycle and the immediate and future need for maintenance and repair.

Radiator leak and pressure testing
By having a professional leak and pressure test for the cooler equipment, you can make sure that the cooler is suitable according to the requirements set for it.