Condition assessment of the radiator
The condition assessment of the radiator tells you openly about the current state of the coolers, their life cycle and the immediate and future need for maintenance and repair.
We find out the functionality of the cooler and the need for maintenance with the help of processes based on our expertise and the testing methods used. By anticipating the need for maintenance of the coolers, you keep your process running and avoid unpleasant surprises that cost money and time, which can result from the sudden deterioration of the functionality of the coolers.
The condition assessment brings an unbiased point of view regarding the functionality and needs for repair of the equipment related to coolers, which allows you to predict the future with confidence.

Ask for more
Our experts who specialize in repairing radiators know how to give an estimate of the need for repair work, the requirements and the related costs.
Tel: +358 20 787 0105